Diesel Engine Fuel, Oil, Air Filters.
869 477 0002
001 092 0301
402 180 0009
016 094 3702
017 094 2502
MTU 12V183
Fuel Pre-Filter, Element, Square / Same with MTU16V2000
Fuel Filter, Spin-On, 2ndary
L.O Filter, Element / w/Spring
Air Clearner, Element
Air Clearner, Element (017 094 1202)
869 477 0002
002 092 0601
003 184 5301
018 094 1002
MTU 16V2000
Fuel Pre-Filter, Element, Square / Same with MTU12V183
Fuel Filter, Spin-On, 2ndary
L.O Filter, Spin-On (000 184 5301) / Same with MTU 16V4000
Air Clearner, Element
001 092 8801
000 092 1705
000 184 4125
001 184 1425
000 094 2004
003 094 7404
MTU 16V396
Fuel Pre-Filter, Element / Revised Protective Case to Steel (not paper)
Fuel Filter, Element
L.O Filter, Element
L..O By-paas Filter, Element
Air Clearner, Element (for 16V396) / Re-Useable after cleaning with comp. air
Air Clearner (for 12V396) / Re-Useable after cleaning with comp. air
000 092 5005
003 184 5301
018 094 3002
MTU 16V4000
Fuel Pre-Filter, Element, Square / Revised Protective Case to PVC (not steel)
F.O Filter, Spin-On
L.O Filter, Spin-On / Same with MTU 12V4000
Air Clearner, Element Type / Revised Connecting piece to NBR (not Hard PVC
003 184 5301
000 184 6026
MTU 12V1163
Fuel Pre-Filter, Element, Square
Fuel Filter, Element
L.O Filter, Spin-On (000 184 5301) / Same with MTU 16V4000
L.O Filter, Element
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